20 January 2010

kindred spirits of the best kind

kindness is shared when kindred spirits meet.
each moment is an experience of newfound energy & growth.
seeds are planted. watering ensues. over time there's a bloom.
my kindred spirits speak in words unspoken.
subtle smiles, eyes brightened, and soothing tones.
my kindred spirits happen upon me at the right moment.
they are present at the right step in the path.
how did we get so lucky to find one another?
like the bread kneaded by loving hands,
our time together kneads us in loving ways.
our experience of justice, love, and peace is intertwined
in the expression of presence.
we see each other.
we know each other.
there's no boundary because we exist together in the same space.
breathing room.
speaking room.
being room.

thank you, kindred spirits for your loving presence. thank you for the hands that love and the hands that knead. my meditation on kindred spirits is linked to the writing that will be posted on a darling blog soon! more to come. always.

1 comment:

  1. i got your note in the mail yesterday....brought tears to my eyes. it was "one" of those days. looking forward to your visit.

    love you. mean it.
