25 May 2011

life story: marking moments.

life's full of marking moments.  today is no different.  

sometimes it's in celebration of life, of birth, of memory.  sometimes it's to allow the tears to flow after an uphill climb.  you've reached the top of the mountain and you plant your flag into the soil.  i've reflected on such moments for some time and cannot help but create such a ritual to share through my art. 

hearts, stars, and circles (not pictured) on a stick.  these are the flags that can be placed in a jar, on a cupcake, on a cake, or can lean well in a window or altar.   

as i celebrate and grieve my sweet boy's marking moment today, i will carry the memory.  today marks three years of love, care, and growth from the amazing folks at his day school.  he's growing up.  today marks such growth and life.  i celebrate and i breathe in the memory of it all.  

i will remember in my own ways.  he will, too.  i know this day will carry emotion for each of us.  i hope that in my mothering role i am able to help him to articulate his emotions and carry them well.  may we all do such work in our lives.  

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