02 June 2009

a question for today

so...i want to know.  since i've had this on my mind in a couple of ways, visually and in the fidelia' sisters article:  

what feeds your soul?  

leave a comment or contact me and share what feeds your soul.  you can expound or use a few words.  you can sign your name or leave an anonymous post.  i would like to hear from you!  


  1. my garden! And the psalms. Somehow, they are always balm for my soul when I'm dreading my day.

  2. sidewalk chalk and hopscotch,
    swings and slides,
    bubbles and laughter.

    loving touches and soft kisses,
    whispered "i love yous", and holding hands,
    spooning and snuggling.

    hymns and prayers,
    finished projects and a pat on the back,
    long distance phone calls and morning texts.

    great friends and a healthy family.


  3. i just wanted you to know how much i love you, girl. i don't think i would be the woman today if God had not put you in my life. my heart aches that we can't spend more time together, but it is over-joyed when i see how accomplished you are. you are a truly amazing person.

    thank you.
