11 March 2008

kite play!

let's go fly a kite...and we did. Joseph absolutely LOVES kite flying. We've been watching a little video of kite flying online at entitled Trash Bag Kites. It is so enriching to show Joseph that he can do himself what he watches and sees others doing.

See his bright smile!

A little photo editing fun.

He watched all while flying his own kite. The sky was full of all kinds of kites at the Kite Festival this past Sunday at Dorey Park. Thanks to a neighbor spreading the word (and rain on Saturday) we were able to enjoy the fun. Jo chose his kite of four fun selections, saying "rainbow" very quickly. I love that they gave the children a free kite. We'll plan to go again. And if you see a rainbow kite at the top of Fulton Hill, it just may be ours. Thank God for these beautiful, bright days!


  1. he is beautiful. so glad you guys had fun. :)


  2. he is a doll...and i want a kite!

  3. missing you! hope all is well. xoxo

  4. Wow that little boy has some beautiful eyes..what a handsom baby!!
