28 April 2013

witnessing beauty and blessing.

our pastor's last sunday with our church is today. i've been filled with emotion and grief. she is amazing, and she will be so good for the church she's moving to as their pastor. she believes in long term pastorates, serving grace for 23+ years. we'll miss her.

yet we won't be lost.

yesterday we had a benefit concert for the soon-to-be-new-to-us organ. our church and the church our pastor is moving to choirs sang together. we sang. they sang. voices joined together in unison, with a common purpose, celebrating the same soul.

the presence of this pastor in our life has been deeply healing for me. for us. there are so many stories of conflict from previous churches. we've found healing with her. what i have come to realize, too, is that we've found healing with each other.

sharing. accepting. receiving.

knowing that we are blessed by her. we bless her. we are blessed by her church-to-be. we bless them.

amazing. i've never heard of two baptist churches who come together and share with one another in such a beautiful way. the experience was moving. the experience will usher moments of healing.

as i sat there, with this sweetpea in my belly rocking about with the music, i thought to myself that the table is set to go and visit their church. to know that door will always be open. anytime. there is no end to relationship here, just the type of relationship.

today i will celebrate. i will grieve. i will know and be known. she will know and be known. she is loved. she is blessed. she is blessing.

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