13 July 2011

life stories: art on the go.

whether at the flying squirrels baseball game, 

or on the road.

i'll use my hands to create. 

i take the time to dream of new designs that bring delight through color + story.  

and i'll meet the requests of others who ask for what they want.  
i learn from them, for it's a lesson i can sure use.  ((asking for what i want.))

and i stay centered in the moment. i can get lost in the colors of creation that surround me as i walk, move, and have my being.  i can get lost in the love of creating.  stitching, cutting, designing.  i can listen all the more to my love and my sweet boy.  i can stay centered, right to the core of my being.  that sacred centering, that act of creating is a gift.  it's a gift and a joy and a way of living.  i attempt to use all of my being in focusing on the moment, being present to what is, to creating, and to living a creative life.  

i focus on ways that bring life and bring rest to a body that travels. i find ways of being present to myself and others through grief and loss.  i remember.  i witness.  i listen.  i share.  
i become known and i seek to know.  

it's not always pretty or easy, but it's a life pursuit.  i love the practice to being in the moment.  in recognizing when i'm anxious and in need of calming, deep breaths.  recognizing when i need to put the creating art down and create memories with my sweet boy.  recognizing when to look into another's eyes and listen to their sacred life story.  recognizing when a sacred marking moment is before me and breathing it in, breathing in the memory and the gift of that marking moment.  

1 comment:

  1. beautifully put. thank you for sharing your journey!
