06 May 2010

centering and presence

there are small and large pieces in the works. i am in the midst of a few projects which i am
grateful. each day brings something new, even when it's stressful. i appreciate the gifts, both large and small, that are presented.

recently on retreat, i was given two small canvases on easels (one pictured above). i've been craving time to sit and paint, using my doodle art in the layering. it was good for my spirit to do so on retreat, to paint the base of these 2 canvases, front and back. i will pick these up again soon and bring them to completion. each step in the creative process with these canvases is good and nourishing. i am thankful to maria and her many gifts bestowed upon me: through her thoughtfulness, her presence, and her ministry of introduction.

i am thankful for the time and space to create. for the ability to sit and cut, sit and dream of new works. you can read more about that centering on my other blog calledtocreate as the theme is present there, and will be present in the days to come.

my mind is captured so often these days by the sights and sounds outside my home. the birds which pluck the juicy earth worms from the ground. the birdsong outside every corner of the home. the robin's nest beside my porch. the new and old fabrics my hands hold. the quilts currently in the works. the food and menu planning that takes shape regularly. the growing garden. the friends we're so fortunate to have staying with us. the daily rhythms of work, play, and school. the friends of my son's who knock on the door almost daily to play.

i am so thanful for those who surround my thoughts: for the blogs of others, the art of susannah, and the times at table with my friends. oh, it's a good life (as mark says) and i'm thankful.

there are large and small works taking shape, in life, in love, in art, and in the space of our home. for all of these and much more, i give thanks.

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