08 June 2009

i love dirt!

what joy to wake up and find oneself in the garden pulling clover from the creeping jenny, checking on the blueberries in their beginning-to-ripen state, and surveying the growth of herbs & veggies in the garden.  what joy.  what joy to see the growth of a logo carved by hand into use for the YCW.  what joy.  what joy to know that your son spent his first night camping with grand-dad and a recent high-school graduate uncle.  what joy and a little curiosity.  what joy to head to the mountains for camping, joining them soon.  what joy.

i love dirt, whether between my fingers pulling weeds, carving a tree from a block (not so much dirt, but a similar process for me), or hiking in the mountains in search of ferns and moss (so inspiring).  what will we see, dig, gather, and delight in?  the earth. the dirt. each other.  (i certainly hope so!)

as i take a few days away to retreat into the woods, enjoy the sights and sounds around you.  feel free to continue to tell me "what feeds your soul".  i've really enjoyed hearing from you here on the blog and by other forms of communication. 



  1. have fun...and dig in the dirt for me, too!!! :)

  2. Suzanne, it was a pleasure to see that you have a blog! I love the voice you use in your posts. I hope all is wonderful with you and your family.
