15 February 2009

obama art - to mark, to remember, to celebrate

on inauguration day an image came to mind.  throughout the morning, filled with the excitement and anticipation of new birth and hope, i pictured a horizon. over the horizon great light and color, while under the horizon more color and depth in the land.  the "O" that the circle created stood for none other than Obama and the hope and new birth of his presidency was only a part of the picture.  the impending birth of young juila, the little bird, was on my mind as well.  so many were filled with hope and joy during the inauguration.  my husband reminded me for as many of us hope-filled folks, there were as many (or perhaps less) filled with uncertainty and fear.  i believe President Obama (yes, it still feels good to say!) will come full-circle for many.  i believe that trust can lead to reconciliation on many fronts.    

one of my most emotion-filled moments was of reverend joseph lowery's benediction.  the great mother posted it in its entirety on her blog.  you can also find it from the Associated Press, among other postings.  i knew from an earlier interview on npr that his voice alone would inspire and that he would present a thoughtful prayer i would appreciate.  what i did not know is how thought-filled his poetry to the divine would be.  i aspire to create such goodness in my prayers, and his sing-song prayer is worth aspiring to.  more than that, i loved his incorporation at the end of the prayer of a favorite scripture from micah 6:8.  that scripture became a mantra for our old testament/hebrew scriptures class in seminary.  

the words of hebrew scripture from reverend lowery made this image even more meaningful to me.  what a gift.  i hope that you remember 1.20.2009 as an awe-inspiring, hope-filled day - whether today or in the years to come.  peace.

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