among the items on our "to do" today, i wanted to invite you to take a few moments to sort through unused crafting supplies. here's why: many of you know that i am contracted to lead support groups throughout the year. some are for families of those living with chronic illness, while the large majority are for bereavement support. the winter 2009 group will begin in february.

for those who would like to participate, we are accepting donations of materials that can be used in sewing projects. items such as: fabric, felt, ribbon, buttons, beads, needles, thread,1/2 used bags of batting and poly-fill, scissors, sewing notions, fabric markers, fabric crayons, sewing machine, etc. you get the idea.
richmond, va drop off locations include: ginter park baptist church on the northisde of richmond, va, grace baptist church near carytown in windsor farms, and fleur fabrics located in the fan. directions on each of their pages. if you have materials to share, please do. check out fleur fabrics' blog and info about the new fabric swap that will be ongoing in the shop. her swap was a huge success. (you'll see me sifting through fabric + a cool pict of my basket.) i found some great fabric for the group there and at the richmond craft mafia's craft swap. if you're out of town and would like to send items, you can mail them to me. Contact me via email found on my website and I'll give you my address. Anyone who goes to the trouble of mailing items receives one of my latest blockprint cards + magnet (as seen in the image below) as a generous way of saying thanks!
my attention is split these days among the support group planning & prep, making new wears for the gallery shops, adding plans to the book proposal, and hey--caring for the family, with a few other projects thrown in-between.
so far our self proclaimed snow day has been really fun and productive. joseph helped me do some printing today using the "antique wood blocks from india" that i found at the RCM's craft swap. They are a nice compliment to some of my own not-so-antique blocks. i'm dreaming of new prints incorporating newsprint blocks from yester-year. if you find any, let me know. i'm always happy to do some custom art trading!
now for an afternoon of books, hot tea, coloring, and happy times. cheers!
LOVE his hoodie. :) what a beautiful face to see this morning. thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeletelove you...mean it.