17 September 2008

quilt love

over the summer our journey through grief group completed quilt squares for a quilt.  here's the finished piece.  i wish the picture really conveyed the detail and color of this piece.  we're still working on quilting the piece.  we want many hands to stitch it, blessing those who created each square with each stitch.  oh!  i am so impressed with my group.  you ladies are amazing.  
isn't this quilt beautiful?  it was made by church ladies oh-so-many years ago for hubby's grandparents.  i love seeing it hanging on the wall each time i walk upstairs at their home.  this will be inspiration for me as well as the quilts of gee's bend which i saw on another trip to AL in the Mobile art museum.   i'll be posting some quilt projects that i'm creating for young ones, including my own jo.  

i love quilts and the stories they carry.  they are practical and artistic.  some tell stories -- as both of these do.  stories of hope and joy & love and loss.  



  1. beautiful! absolutely beautiful.

    so, can i put in my request for christmas???? a quilt, perhaps!!!!!??????? :D

  2. I'm in awe!

    Although I must confess I first read "guilt love"

  3. that's funny! guilt love...that would be a very interesting post!
