19 January 2014

know your sacred path. ((a post! a post! can you believe it?))

know your sacred path.  for some time, i've known my sacred path is to gather folks 'round the table.  dinner table.  studio table.  communion table.  whatever the table, it's a welcome table.  one that is for all folks.  folks who grieve.  folks who celebrate.  folks who are searching.  folks who are kindred.  folks who feel alone.

in a wider sense, this is another table where i gather folks together.  only it's not quite enough, is it?  so a new website is being created.  soon i'll retire rev art mom.  i'm creating more space for all of us.  it's just the right time and with the right magic maker.

know your sacred path.  for some time, i've known i wanted to welcome another young one to our home table.  she arrived 6 months ago.  i'm still amazed and smitten.  she's my dearie.  having our crew, i feel my most whole, my most complete.  my most tired and sleep deprived, too, which has me searching for my words during my days.  any writing that i do is for myself and my art.  yet...today.  today i have a few words to share here, too.

i haven't forgotten this space, but have stepped away like i usually do during the time of hibernation.  only my hibernation came early this year and now during these winter months i'm finding myself full of life and color.  could it be the recent addition of caffeine?  why, absolutely.

it's also my resolve to remain true to the sacred path.  i'm honoring this path we're on together and inviting you to stick with me.  it's been what, 6 years here?  i was drawn to reverend artist mother by another clergywoman who blogged reverend mother.  i loved it so much, i adapted my own name from hers.  now it's time for a name that's all me and a space that's mine, yet shared.

oh, i hope you feel the excitement that's growing within.  i have new words to share.  new art to create.  new folks and familiar folks alike to gather together.   and i'm so, so grateful.  i am surrounded by some amazing folks.  you are among them.

peace to you and yours this fine day.

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