13 June 2013

my blessingway.

magic abounds in this beautiful space. my loving friend casey opened her home to celebrate my 35th last summer and this summer... a blessingway.

hand written & water colored attributes we hope for our daughter to receive.  knowing she is fierce & resilient, stubborn & kind just from her genes.  we add our hopes...


my blessingway this past weekend was beautiful and magical. i had no idea this gathering was exactly what i needed. we shared stories, hopes, memories, blessings. my feet were washed and massaged. everyone contributed and carried with them something my love and i hope our sweet girl receive. the altar was filled with such care and beauty. 

women, gather your tribe. be encircled. know your strength and be empowered. i've been thinking of late of creating a series "wisdom from the tribe" as my tribe has spoken to me so beautifully. after the blessingway, i know i'll be working on this series. it starts as exactly what i need, filling my well, moving into the running waters preparing these birthing waters within. 

only a small part of my tribe was present for the blessingway. we kept those gathered to seven in all, including me and the dearest nicki, the bright soul who created it. my dear ones dug deep, which they're use to, speaking from their hearts and souls. 

they brought tears, awe, love, and gentleness from within me. they elicited such power and harmony and peace. i keep reaching back, reaching within to hold onto the power and harmony and peace. i want every bit with me as my body is resting and waiting. when the moment is ripe with expectation and readiness, i'll use all of it to expand and birth this girl. 

and i realize i need the tribe. to encircle. to share sage wisdom. to bless. to witness. if you have a good word to share, a poem, a blessing, or some other wise word, feel free to leave them in the comments. 

the few who gathered for the blessingway encircle me. my wider tribe encircles them. my friends and family and community ((including you lovelies)) encircle them still. we are all here for one another. 


 :: all photos taken by the ever so amazing nikole of a happy nest.  :: 

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