18 August 2011

life stories: a morning walk.

trails near the james river on the southside of richmond have become a safe space for me.  these trails are filled with trees, vines, branches, leaves, spiders, rocks stacked, turtles, frogs, water, and dirt.  venturing on these trails with a true friend have become a rhythm that my body is eager for.  i listen.  i know that my feet want to return again and again to these trails, running and jumping and sometimes walking.  on this occasion, we walked.  walking brought a depth and length to our sentenses.  we usually chat while running, but running brings quick words.  short sentenses.  walking allowed our words to linger and mingle.  walking allowed a mindfulness to be present to our time together that was sacred and welcome. we had just what we needed on the trails this day. 

often i'm refelcting on breath and words.  before we speak, we must first take a breath.  if we're mindful of our breathing and the life it brings into our body, often the words we speak will take that same mindfulness.  our words have the ability to bring life.  our words also have the ability to hurt others.  

so when i practice writing on this blog, my breathing slows. i am mindful of the words i am speaking to you through the clicking sounds on my keyboard.  i am speaking them in a way that i breathe first.  breathing deeply and giving myself life.  then i write, honoring the wisdom within and allowing her to be present through my hands and through my breath.  

my hope is that i am attuned to myself enough to breathe deeply, to be mindful of my needs and energy so that i have the life and energy to then share with you.  over the summer months my energies are shifted in ways that are life giving.  i know my presence here is also shifted.  as i lean into my call, lean into my truths, i am leaning into what fills me up so that i can continue to pour myself in ways that can be a gift for others.

some life stories are short with photos to tell the story.  imagine me with you on the trail running.  other life stories are shared as we walk and talk together.  in any event, i believe this is a safe space.  i believe that the words that are shared here have the power to bring life.  if you read them in a way that brings hurt or comparison, breathe into yourself and ask what is stirred.  call attention to the spaces that surround you.  sometimes shifting your breath, opening your eyes, and letting go of the breath can reset your thoughts and bring a mindfulness to your moment that's needed. 

i know that i am whole.  i am centered.  when i am thrown off center, i know what i need to do to stay on the path.  here in this space i share as i'm able and invite you to breathe deeply, knowing your own light and truth.  you are a gift.  you are enough.  whether walking or running alongside, may you have exactly what you need this day and in good measure. 

 peace. peace. peace.

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