today i received an email from a woman in missouri who also uses the name silver tree in her art work. she shared some of her story surrounding her name and asked for my story. i thought i'd share it here, as she is not the first to ask, but i found the words flowing. thus, i'm quoting myself, using capital letters, which i never do here:
I'm happy to give you a little history of my name for my art. I like to say that I grew up in a tree ( a wisteria tree ) in my grandmother's yard. There my creativity took the shape of mudpies among the sounds of bees & smells of those flowers, which also topped my creations. My doodles & block prints always have some form of tree, and trees are especially calming to me ad my creative spirit. Thus, tree. I love working with silver and have made jewelry in various forms since I was a teenager. Thus, silver. What I do is art. It took a long time to admit that my "creativity" produced art. I always thought of art as a part of me, but never fully acknowledged myself as an artist until a few years ago.Thus, Silver Tree Art is what I call my art & wears. Also because what I do takes the form of "branches". I am the tree itself and what grows from me includes my various art forms & lines -- block printing, jewelry, writing, quilting, stained glass, cooking, gardening, etc. I also lead bereavement groups and conduct art & spirituality retreats as well as workshops and retreats for children & youth. I am an ordained minister and enjoy these retreats/workshops/groups very much, as they are a part of that growth from my core -- the tree trunk. The tree has become a very important symbol to me as well, because i attribute my creativity -- coming up from the roots --as a source springing up from my ancestors, the collective creative spirit, and the Creator. my various endeavors, or you could say the many hats i wear -- the branches -- can give voice to the various aspects of my life, which all come from the core of me. My art is also seasonal, which takes the tree metaphor full-circle. I am not always working with the same medium or using the same material, but they cycle back into the picture.
in case you were curious, there you go.
now THAT'S a beautiful story. :)